Portulakaria Afra Var




Besondere Merkmale:

Produkt Einführung
Portulacaria afra var, commonly known as Variegated Elephant Bush, is a striking succulent plant prized for its attractive variegated foliage. Portulacaria afra is native to South Africa, particularly in the Eastern Cape region. It thrives in rocky, well-drained areas and is adapted to arid environments, often growing in semi-desert conditions. Portulacaria afra var is a charming and low-maintenance succulent that can brighten up any space with its colorful foliage.

Beschreibung des Produkts

Portulacaria afra var, commonly known as Variegated Elephant Bush, is a striking succulent plant prized for its attractive variegated foliage. Portulacaria afra is native to South Africa, particularly in the Eastern Cape region. It thrives in rocky, well-drained areas and is adapted to arid environments, often growing in semi-desert conditions. Portulacaria afra var is a charming and low-maintenance succulent that can brighten up any space with its colorful foliage.


Wesentliche Merkmale

  • Blätter: Thick, fleshy stems and small, rounded leaves that with green centers and creamy white or pink edges. The leaves are often clustered on the stems, giving it a bushy appearance.
  • Wachstum: This plant can grow as a shrub or small tree, reaching heights of 3-5 feet (1-1.5 meters) or more under optimal conditions.
  • Licht: Prefers bright, indirect light. Can tolerate some direct sunlight. Insufficient light may lead to leggy growth.
  • Wasser: Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, typically every 2-3 weeks. Overwatering can lead to root rot. It thrives in low humidity.
  • Temperatur: Ideal temperature range is between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C).
  • Boden: Use a well-draining cactus or succulent mix to promote healthy root growth.
  • Toxizität: Ungiftig für Haustiere und Menschen.


Prefer bright, indirect light, can tolerate some direct sunlight



Trockenheitstolerant und erfordert seltenes Gießen



Green with creamy white or pink edges

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Besondere Merkmale

Der ideale Temperaturbereich liegt zwischen 18°C und 27°C (65°F bis 80°F).