Caladium lindenii




Características especiales:

producto Introducción
Caladium lindenii, we used to call it as Xanthosoma lindenii. It is a species of tropical aroid plant native to parts of South and Central America, particularly Colombia. The plant is known for its large, arrow-shaped leaves with a distinctive green and white/yellow striped pattern. It is a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor gardening. 

Descripción del producto

Caladium lindenii, we used to call it as Xanthosoma lindenii. It is a species of tropical aroid plant native to parts of South and Central America, particularly Colombia. The plant is known for its large, arrow-shaped leaves with a distinctive green and white/yellow striped pattern. It is a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor gardening. 

Características principales

  • Hojas: The leaves are arrow-shaped with prominent white or yellowish veins against dark green background, giving a dramatic and eye-catching appearance.
  • Crecimiento: The plant can reach 2-3 feet (60-90 cm) tall, with leaves reaching up to 18 inches (45 cm) in length when mature.
  • Luz: Prefers bright, indirect light. Partial shade is better. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves.
  • Agua: Requires regular watering to keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Avoid letting soil dry out completely.
  • Temperatura: La temperatura ideal oscila entre 18°C y 27°C (65°F y 80°F). No tolera las corrientes de aire frío ni los cambios bruscos de temperatura.
  • Suelo: Prefers rich, well-draining soil. A mix of peat, perlite, and compost works well.
  • Toxicidad: All parts of the plant are toxic if ingested, as it contains calcium oxalate crystals. Stay away from pets and humans.
icono de luz


Prefieren la luz brillante e indirecta

icono de agua


Necesita humedad constante, pero no encharcada

icono de color


dark green with white/yellow striped pattern

icono de hazaña especial

Características especiales

La temperatura ideal oscila entre 18°C y 27°C (65°F y 80°F).