Radermachera Hainanensis Merr




Características especiales:

producto Introducción
Radermachera hainanensis Merr, commonly known as Hainan Bean Tree, is a tree species of Bignoniaceae and genus Radermachera. It is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree and is native to Hainan Island in China and parts of Southeast Asia. When placed the tree indoors, the leaf color will become darker and darker gradually. Radermachera hainanensis Merr symbolizes happiness and peace, but when it blooms, it will symbolize wealth and honor. It is called Green Treasure Tree which is treated as Feng Shui tree in China.

Descripción del producto

Radermachera hainanensis Merr, commonly known as Hainan Bean Tree, is a tree species of Bignoniaceae and genus Radermachera. It is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree and is native to Hainan Island in China and parts of Southeast Asia. When placed the tree indoors, the leaf color will become darker and darker gradually. Radermachera hainanensis Merr symbolizes happiness and peace, but when it blooms, it will symbolize wealth and honor. It is called Green Treasure Tree which is treated as Feng Shui tree in China.


Características principales

  • Hojas: Glossy, dark green leaves that are pinnately compound, with each leaf consisting of several leaflets.
  • Crecimiento: This tree can grow to heights of 15-30 feet (4.5-9 meters) and has a bushy, upright form and compact shape. Its growth is relatively fast when given the right conditions.
  • Luz: Prefiere la luz brillante e indirecta. La luz solar directa puede quemar sus hojas.
  • Agua: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top inch to dry slightly between waterings. En enjoys higher humidity levels.
  • Temperatura: La temperatura ideal oscila entre 18°C y 27°C (65°F y 80°F). No tolera las corrientes de aire frío ni los cambios bruscos de temperatura.
  • Suelo: Use a well-draining potting mix rich in organic matter to support healthy growth.
  • Toxicidad: No tóxico para animales domésticos y humanos.




icono de luz


Prefieren la luz brillante e indirecta

icono de agua


Necesita humedad constante, pero no encharcada

icono de color


Verde oscuro

icono de hazaña especial

Características especiales

La temperatura ideal oscila entre 18°C y 27°C (65°F y 80°F).