Philodendron rouge soleil




Caractéristiques spéciales:

Introduction du produit
Philodendron Sun Red is a stunning and relatively rare Philodendron variety known for its vibrant red foliage when exposed to bright light. This plant is a captivating addition to any indoor plant collection. It is native to tropical regions of Central and South America. Philodendron Sun Red is an eye-catching addition to any indoor space, making it a favorite among plant enthusiasts for its vibrant color and relatively easy care requirements.
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Description du produit

Philodendron Sun Red is a stunning and relatively rare Philodendron variety known for its vibrant red foliage when exposed to bright light. This plant is a captivating addition to any indoor plant collection. It is native to tropical regions of Central and South America. Philodendron Sun Red is an eye-catching addition to any indoor space, making it a favorite among plant enthusiasts for its vibrant color and relatively easy care requirements.


Caractéristiques principales

  • Feuilles: Sun red has large, broad and heart-shaped, glossy leaves that emerge in a brilliant red-orange hue, which gradually matures to a rich green as they age.
  • Croissance: Cette plante exhibits a bushy, upright growth habit, typically reaching heights of 2-3 feet (60-90 cm) indoors, but it can grow taller in optimal conditions.
  • Lumière: Préfère une lumière claire et indirecte. La lumière directe du soleil peut brûler ses feuilles.
  • L'eau: Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Be cautious of overwatering. It enjoys higher humidity levels. 
  • Température: La plage de température idéale se situe entre 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Il ne tolère pas les courants d'air froids ni les changements brusques de température.
  • Sol: Préfère un terreau bien drainant qui retient l'humidité.
  • Toxicité: Toxique en cas d'ingestion, tenir à l'écart des animaux domestiques et des enfants.
icône de lumière


Préférer une lumière claire et indirecte

icône de l'eau


Requires moderate watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot.

icône de couleur


Green with Red new leaves

icône de l'exploit spécial

Caractéristiques spéciales

La température idéale se situe entre 18°C et 27°C (65°F et 80°F).