Monstera Costellazione Thai

Luce: luce

Colori: colori

Acqua: acqua

Caratteristiche speciali:Caratteristiche speciali

Introduzione al prodotto
Monstera Thai Constellation is a unique and highly sought-after variety of Monstera known for its striking variegated foliage. The variegation patterns can vary from plant to plant, making each specimen unique. Monstera is native to the tropical rainforests of Central America, particularly in regions like Mexico and Panama. The Thai Constellation variety was developed in Thailand and is very popular among houseplant enthusiasts due to its unique appearance.

Descrizione del prodotto

Monstera Thai Constellation is a unique and highly sought-after variety of Monstera known for its striking variegated foliage. The variegation patterns can vary from plant to plant, making each specimen unique. Monstera is native to the tropical rainforests of Central America, particularly in regions like Mexico and Panama. The Thai Constellation variety was developed in Thailand and is very popular among houseplant enthusiasts due to its unique appearance.


Caratteristiche principali

  • Foglie: The leaves of Monstera Thai Constellation feature large, glossy and beautiful splashes pattern of creamy-white variegation against a deep green background, resembling a starry sky. 
  • Crescita: This plant has a climbing or vining growth habit, with leaves that can grow quite large, often reaching up to 2 feet (60 cm) or more in length.
  • Luce: Prefers bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, while insufficient light can reduce the vibrancy of the variegation.
  • Acqua: Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Ensure good drainage. Prospera in condizioni di elevata umidità.
  • Temperatura: L'intervallo di temperatura ideale è compreso tra 65°F e 80°F (18°C e 27°C). Non tollera correnti d'aria fredda o sbalzi di temperatura.
  • Suolo: Use a well-draining potting mix, ideally with components like perlite or orchid bark to enhance aeration.
  • Tossicità: Toxic to pets and humans if ingested. It contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and swelling. 
icona della luce


Preferisce una luce luminosa e indiretta

icona dell'acqua


Innaffiate quando il primo centimetro di terreno è asciutto. Evitare di annaffiare eccessivamente. 

icona del colore


Deep green with creamy-white variegation

icona dell'impresa speciale

Caratteristiche speciali

L'intervallo di temperatura ideale è compreso tra 65°F e 80°F (18°C e 27°C).