Orchidee Phalaenopsis

Luce: luce

Colori: colori

Acqua: acqua

Caratteristiche speciali:Caratteristiche speciali

Introduzione al prodotto
Phalaenopsis orchids, commonly known as moth orchids, are popular indoor plants for their stunning flowers and graceful appearance. Phalaenopsis orchids are native to Southeast Asia, including Philippines, Indonesia, and Taiwan. The plants are prized for their attractive appearance, ease of care, and ability to bloom for an extended period.

Descrizione del prodotto

Phalaenopsis orchids, commonly known as moth orchids, are popular indoor plants for their stunning flowers and graceful appearance. Phalaenopsis orchids are native to Southeast Asia, including Philippines, Indonesia, and Taiwan. The plants are prized for their attractive appearance, ease of care, and ability to bloom for an extended period.


Caratteristiche principali

  • Foglie: Phalaenopsis has broad, flat leaves and arching stems with long-lasting flower spikes.
  • I fiori: Each spike can produce multiple flowers, often lasting several weeks to months, making them a long-lasting choice for indoor decor. The flowers can come in various colors, including white, pink, purple, yellow, and spotted varieties.
  • Crescita: Questa pianta typically grows as epiphytes, meaning they can thrive on other plants or surfaces without drawing nutrients from them.
  • Luce: Preferisce una luce luminosa e indiretta. La luce diretta del sole può bruciare le sue foglie, while too little light can hinder blooming.
  • Acqua: Water when the potting medium is almost dry. Once a week is sufficient. It thrives in moderate humidity.
  • Temperatura: L'intervallo di temperatura ideale è compreso tra 65°F e 80°F (18°C e 27°C). Non tollera correnti d'aria fredda o sbalzi di temperatura.
  • Suolo: Use a well-draining orchid mix, usually bark-based.
  • Tossicità: Non tossico per gli animali domestici e gli esseri umani.
icona della luce


Preferisce una luce luminosa e indiretta

icona dell'acqua


Innaffiate quando il primo centimetro di terreno è asciutto. Evitare di annaffiare eccessivamente. 

icona del colore


Colorful flowers

icona dell'impresa speciale

Caratteristiche speciali

L'intervallo di temperatura ideale è compreso tra 65°F e 80°F (18°C e 27°C).