

Philodendron: Perennial evergreen herbs, Tropical plants
Genus: Philodendron spp.
Family: Araceae (Aroids)

Philodendron spp. contains hundreds of species of attractive foliage plants. It has typically broad, large and glossy leaves. Also different varieties of Philodendron show different shapes and colors. Due to their easy growing, low maintenance & air purifying nature, they become very popular houseplants now. Normally, there are 2 types of philodendrons for picking: vining & non-climbing. The vining types require some supporting structure to climb on, like trellis or basket. However, non-climbing type will grow upright & become very beautiful foliage plants.


Philodendron Description


Philodendron has a big family. The most common species including Philodendron Birkins (thin white stripes on its green leaves), Philodendron prince of orange (Broad leaves with one orange leave & turn to dark colors gradually), Philodendron selloum (extra-large variety can reach more than 5 feet wide, and its split leaves are significant trait, very easy to be confused with Monstera deliciosa, which also have split/fenestrated leaves),  Philodendron Silver sword/Hastatum (Horse-shaped leaves has a gorgeous light-green tone. Leaves turn green to gray when they mature), Philodendron Brasil (heart-shaped leaves with lime green variegation. Philodendron micans is a similar cultivar with deep green leaves.), Philodendron gloriosum(Unlike popular trailing varieties, gloriosum has an upright growth habit with large green leaves featuring striking white veins), Philodendron Pink Princess (heart-shaped leaves & have pink variegated sections), Philodendron melanochrysum (stunning climber with dark, velvety leaves powdered in bronze), etc…

Air Purifying: Clean and improve air quality by filtering toxins from the surrounding environments such as Benzene and Formaldehyde, etc…

Light: Philodendron is a kind of semi shade-tolerant plant, and it requires appropriate scattering light during growth period and can grow best in partial sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight to burn the plants. Strong light will make the leaves dehydrated & dried. Try to put plants in the shade in summer to prevent their leaves from sunburnt. In spring, autumn and winter, it can be exposed to sunlight during growth period, which helps philodendron shoot up new leaves and grow up healthy. 


Water: Proper watering is necessary for Philodendron plants. It requires a moderate amount of soil moisture. Water the plant whenever the top inch of soil has dried out. The non-climbing varieties Philodendron tend to have a little more drought tolerance than the vining species. Water thoroughly during their growth period and reduce watering schedule during the winter. In autumn, the weather is little bit dry, spraying water around the Philodendron to make sure their moisture and increase humidity around them. Clean up leaves periodically to prevent dust affecting photosynthesis. In summer, water consumes faster than other seasons, frequent watering is essential, but need to control water volume to avoid the root rot caused by overwatering. In winter, Philodendron will go dormant and grow up slowly, just reduce the frequency of watering.


Temperature: The temperature tolerance of philodendrons varies depending on different species. Normally, they can do well under temperature 20~30℃, should not be exposed to temperatures below 12℃as it is not cold resistant.

Soil: Philodendron has good adaptability to the surrounding environment. They like loose and fertile sandy or decaying soil as it is rich in organic matters and helps them grow well. Mix certain ratio river sand and peat-based media will be also helpful. The soil must have good drainage. For container plants, it’s recommended to replace your philodendron’s soil every couple of years or so as periodically refreshing and loosening soil can prevent soil from hardening.