Feto zebra dourado




Características especiais:

Introdução ao produto
Golden Zebra Fern is also know as Striped Bamboo Fern or Coniogramme emeiensis Golden Zebra. This fern is renowned for its remarkably beautiful, striped foliage. It is native to the Emei Mountains in China. The fern not only adds visual interest with its unique variegated fronds but also brings a touch of elegance and exotic beauty to any plant collection.

Descrição do produto

Golden Zebra Fern is also know as Striped Bamboo Fern or Coniogramme emeiensis Golden Zebra. It is a striking fern known for its unique, variegated foliage. This fern is part of the Pteridaceae family and renowned for its remarkably beautiful, striped foliage, which makes it a standout in any garden or indoor plant collection.

Características principais

  • Folhas: Elongated, yellow and green variegation that resembles zebra stripes. 
  • Crescimento: Can grow to a height of about 18-24 inches (45-60 cm) and spread to a similar width.
  • Luz: Prefere partial to full shade. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves.
  • Água: Necessita de uma humidade constante mas não deve ser encharcado. Desenvolve-se bem em condições de humidade elevada.
  • Temperatura: Best grown in temperatures between 55-75°F (13-24°C). It can tolerate cooler temperatures but should be protected from frost.
  • Solo: Prefers well-draining, rich, humus-filled soil.
  • Toxicidade: No significant information indicating toxic to pets and humans. Better to keep plants out of reach of children and pets who might chew on foliage.
ícone de luz


Prefers partial to full shade

ícone da água


Necessita de humidade constante, mas não encharcada

ícone de cor


yellow and green variegation

ícone de proeza especial

Características especiais

Optimal temperature range is between 55-75°F (13-24°C)