



Características especiais:

Introdução ao produto
Hoya, commonly known as Wax Plant or Porcelain Flower, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae. Hoyas are epiphytic or climbing vines, with waxy, succulent leaves and stems. Many have a trailing or cascading growth habit. They are renowned for their attractive, waxy foliage and fragrant, star-shaped flowers.

Descrição do produto

Hoya, commonly known as Wax Plant or Porcelain Flower, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae. Hoyas are epiphytic or climbing vines, with waxy, succulent leaves and stems. Many have a trailing or cascading growth habit. They are renowned for their attractive, waxy foliage and fragrant, star-shaped flowers.

They are native to Southeast Asia, northern Australia, and parts of the Pacific. They are a very diverse genus with over 300 known species (Hoya carnosa, kerrii (Sweetheart Hoya),Sunaise, etc.). They are popular indoor plants due to their low maintenance and unique appearance. 

Características principais

  • Folhas: Thick, waxy leaves in oval or heart-shaped. The leaves are often dark green but can also be variegated with patterns of white, cream, or pink.
  • Flores: The flowers are small, star-shaped, and highly fragrant, often appearing in clusters (umbels). They come in various colors, including white, pink, red, and yellow, and have a waxy texture.
  • Crescimento: They are climbing or trailing plants, often growing on trellises, moss poles, or hanging baskets
  • Luz: Prefere a luz brilhante e indireta. A luz direta do sol pode queimar as suas folhas, while too little light can reduce blooming.
  • Água: Requires moderate watering. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Temperatura: Ideal temperature range between 60-85°F (15-29°C). Não tolera correntes de ar frio ou mudanças bruscas de temperatura.
  • Solo: Prefers well-draining, aerated soil. A mix of orchid bark, perlite, and peat or a specialized epiphytic plant mix works well.
  • Toxicidade: Não tóxico para os animais de estimação e para o homem.
ícone de luz


Prefere luz brilhante e indireta

ícone da água


Necessita de uma rega moderada. A rega excessiva pode provocar o apodrecimento das raízes.

ícone de cor


dark green or variegated leaves

ícone de proeza especial

Características especiais

Ideal temperature range between 60-85°F (15-29°C).