Winter Hibiscus Care Tips

Keeping Hibiscus Inside Over Winter
First off, if you live in an area where temperatures stay below 50F (10C) for more than brief periods, you'll need to bring your hibiscus indoors to save it over winter. These are tropical plants and don't survive exposure to freezing temperatures. (That said, if you have a hardy hibiscus, which is sold in the perennials section of your local garden center, that plant can stay outdoors over winter. It will go dormant this fall, rest over winter, and produce new growth in late spring with flowers following in summer).
How to Bring Hibiscus Indoors Before Winter
Good news: It's pretty easy moving your tropical hibiscus inside before winter. Just follow these simple steps.
First: Give your tropical hibiscus a haircut. Remove up to a quarter of the new growth. This quick step will save you from having to clean up a ton of yellow, fallen leaves (this naturally happens as a result of shock when the plant goes from indoors to out). You'll still see some fallen leaves, but it's nothing to be concerned about. It's totally natural.

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